Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 32 Nov 14

I am selling some things on the internet to try to drum up some more money, and today, I delivered a couple pieces of furniture to someone. To have the ability to put something in the back of my pick-up, and transport it 30 miles really doesn't seem like that big of a deal. However, I have come to the conclusion that my husband makes these kinds of things look way easier than they are.  I couldn't figure out the ratchet strap thing, and the stinkin nightstand drawers kept opening and shutting and nearly scaring me half to death the whole drive! Note to self: get tutorial on how to 'tie things down' in my own truck!

day 31 Nov 13

Last week when I volunteered at the food bank, I noticed that some of the men who are 'in transition' (aka homeless) were asking for specific clothing items, like long underwear. The lady who deals primarily with those in transition had a 'stash' of items that they would ask for.
I got to thinking about how cold it is getting here at night. The shelter is not open yet, so these men must just be camping out in the elements. Anyway,  I wish I could do more, but I did take a couple of brand new bigger coats down to the food bank to be given specifically to those in transition.  I asked if there were any specific needs that they had, and the lady told me that they always need socks. I am thinking of trying to get a 'sock drive' going at church maybe, so that we can help to fulfill that need.
Last week, a man came through the food bank, and after he had gone through the line, he kind of stood in the middle of the room, and said loudly "I want to thank all of you who are here volunteering your time to help us." I'm pretty sure I'm menopausal, but I teared up like a baby. It made me so sad to think of all the people who are privileged and don't even know it. It humbled me to think that this man, who has nothing, can be so appreciative of me, who, comparatively, has everything. I am grateful to know that my time is appreciated, and if I begin to think for one minute that I can't make a difference, I have only to think of that man and that proclamation of gratitude. That will remind me that it doesn't take a lot, and that we can all make a difference.
I also heeded the call of a friend that needed to have her daughter picked up from the middle school because she missed the bus. I am so grateful that I can help out!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 30 Nov 12

What a great date! 11/12/13 :) One would think I did something wonderful today, but alas, I just baked. It was cold and rainy out. I had 3 bananas that were the perfect shade of rotten, so I made some banana bread and had one of the littles take a loaf over to the neighbor. I also found some rhubarb in the freezer, so I made a rhubarb cake. It is quite possibly one of the best things on the planet. That can't qualify as a service though, because I ate most of it all by myself, straight out of the pan. :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 29 Nov 11

Today, I helped a pregnant lady load something up into her car. She said "oh, you don't need to do that!" It has been 8 1/2 years since I was pregnant, but I remember always being so grateful when anyone helped me do anything. Growing a human is hard enough work, I'm happy to do what I can :)

Day 28 Nov 10

For a person who does a lot of service, I thought my service would come along smoothly. But I have to admit, there are days when I really just wish someone would bring me a plate of cookies! This was one of those days. I did a little extra cleaning in my kitchen today, and I'm going to count that as a service to myself. Lame, I know.
I still need to work on praying for guidance in who is in need of service. Some days, that comes easy, and some days, I really struggle to know what I can do for someone. I need to remember that doing for others always helps me to forget about my own troubles, and work harder to focus on that.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 27 Nov 9

Today's service can really hardly be called that, but.....I cut my husband's hair in preparation of him leaving to go to training school tomorrow. It is something I normally do, that is why I say I can hardly call it a service, however; I know he appreciates it, and it is something that is personal and beneficial :)

Day 26 Nov 8

I have a special anniversary coming up. On Monday, November 11, my friend and I celebrate our 16th anniversary. We call it that, because, very simply, it is the day that we met. 16 years ago, my oldest son was in Doernbecher's Children's Hospital in Portland, OR. A few days after he was admitted, a baby girl came in having seizures. She had just been born, and was assigned to our 'pod'. A pod was a room that held up to 4 babies. I started sending notes to the baby girl 'from' my son, and a friendship began. We have been through so many things together, this baby girl's mom and me. We have been through marriages, divorces, births of other children and the loss of both of our sweet angels that brought us together. Today, I sent her a package for our anniversary. Tradition dictates silver for the 16th. I found a cute silver journal and silver pen for her. I even was so kind as so write some witty remarks on random pages of the journal for her so that she has some feedback when she writes-lol.